Friday, 10 April 2009

Oh My God, I’m Not Dead!

neverends1 Hello! So yes, I’m not actually dead, I feel pretty damn close to it but that’s just cause I’m ill *aaaaw*

Where have I been? Well I’ve been here all along but I’ve been house hunting, still trying to get used to my job, had a lot of lazing about to do, and I hit one of those points where every time I loaded up Live Writer to update this place I’d find something more important to do, even if that thing was watching reruns of Lost or getting told off by Virgin for being a little pirate…that sucked…

So, I wont lie, this probably isn’t a sign of good things to come, within the month I’m meant to be moving out which means a minimum of 10 days without internet…scary. Also my motivation still isn’t there, I’m just so horridly bored tonight with no one online and no motivation to game I thought I’d show my face on here.

Just to explain the post below this one, I originally thought that was the video for the Microsoft GDC 2009 Keynotes but apparently Gamespot thought it would be handy to put up keynotes that are a year sodding old. That’s like putting up year old news reports, everything mentioned in it has already happened! I continued to dig and found out no one seems to have the streams for the GDC Keynotes this year. Why? I don’t know, but I’m pissed off about it, that’s over 3 hours of neediness I don’t get this year!

So, what else can I rant about? I dunno, not really got much to talk about, with my new house costing so much I haven’t had the cash to get new games to moan about, I also seem to be lacking anything interesting to bitch about or sing the praises of. I guess I can knock together one or two things to keep you busy thought…

1. Dungeon Party
I’ve taken a step back from MMORPGs recently due to the fact they tend to suck ass and for some reason I can never accept they’ll stop sucking ass, but I did just stumble upon this little potential gem. Dungeon Party feels like if they took Dungeon Runners (the one MMORPG I haven’t grown to hate) and dipped it in Team Fortress 2. They don’t take themselves seriously, the game isn’t all about grinding or quests. This is all about raiding dungeons for treasure, but at the same time stopping another team doing the same. It seems like an interesting game but alas right now it’s in what seems to be a closed beta so I can’t give it the poke I wanna. But check out it’s site (if only for the humorous trailers) and bookmark it for the future!


3. Unskippable
It’s been a while since I found a web show to obsess over but just like the last two (Zero Punctuation and Unforgotten Realms) Unskippable is one of the diamonds in the rough on the site The Escapist. Good show but it doesn't make up for the shit that is de-rez. Still, watch it though! It’s bloody hilarious (but if you wanna get one or two of the in-jokes, watch from the first episode to the newest one).

*ahem* Gameplay footage from Bioshock 2 <3

5. Charlie The Unicorn 3

So yeah, some stuff to keep you going till I can pull my head of out my ass and get back to updating this place a bit more often :-)

Till then, Ta Ta! <3

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