Thursday, 30 April 2009

And So It Begins

OctopusCorral-copy Right, I’m moving flat today so taken 10 minutes out of my mad packing to update the blog.

I wont be online for a minimum of 10 days now (although due to unforeseen retardery I might be off longer…gonna be a fun birthday…) and although I can update from my iPhone those updates will be short due to the touch screen keyboard and lack any images or links (due to lack of 3.0 damn it) so things will be a bit wordy.

Now you know your good ol’ Uncle Timmy (yes I have a nephew so I can call myself that and not be a paedophile), he wont leave you with nothing but a good bye so I quickly whipped together a few things to keep you busy:

After I posted the video for the series of NewsWipe the other day I watched it all though and fell in love with it, so I found another creation of Brooker, ScreenWipe, the original show NewsWipe spun off from. It’s just as funny if not more so if your not a fan of the news, the only draw back this time is due to the rules of YouTube the saint who posted the series had to edit one episode due to nudity, I’m not complaining about the lack of nudity (although…) but instead of the rude bits we are greeted with black screens which happens a lot though the one episode which covers Dawn Gets Naked and Gock Wong or whatever that fannies name is show about women wearing almost nothing and sometimes nothing. Anyway, I really strongly recommend you check this out, if you’ve enjoyed the grumpy sometimes pissy for the sake of it persona I used durin some rants and game reviews you will enjoy this show:


Admittedly that’s all I can give you right now I really need to get back to packing, if I can I’ll update later but don’t hold your breath (because it’s childish).

See You All In 10 Days!

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