Tuesday 10 March 2009


Right so my brother gave me gip cause of the lack of updates so I thought I'd get an iPhone app so I can update anywhere :-D

The app uses a small keyboard though making this a total potch to write so don't expect indepth iPhone updates (but they'll be longer then their twitter counterparts).

So, what's been going on in my world? Let's see...

1. I have 22 days to move out before rent becomes too expencive to cover plus I'm sick of living in a shit hole when my job dosent pay bad. Fingers crossed I'll have a new place lines up by next week :-D

2. I now have a sexy iPhone meaning my twitter isn't dead and no longer will the blog be!

3. My days as a pirate are over as virgin sent me a scary "stop being naughty!" letter (although re accounts in my house mates name). In fairness I'm not sure what I did wrong but I'll prosume the music companies are trigger happy due to the pirate bay court case.

4. I'm currently doodling ideas for a new comic but that's all I'm saying :-P

That's it really. Oh if you was confused by the previous post, it's a qr code...google it :-P

Tata <3

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