Saturday 14 March 2009

Living Up To The Name…


As the blog name says, my head is broken. No this isn’t some moany little thing about how I have issues no one could understand, this isn’t Live Journal.

Nah, my heads just kinda foggy this weekend. The worry about finding a house as well as bits, bobs, and thingy-ma-jigs in my life are kinda bouncing around in that wide open space I call a brain and making it hard to focus even with a bit of Sigur Ros in the background. Because of this I will not promise an update this weekend because I’m sure you’ll only be let down. What I will do though is keep an eye out for a few images, videos, and other bits I can quickly stick on here to keep the place from gathering too much dust :-)

Hope this holds you guys over till my life’s settled back into place and I’m more focused (right now I can’t even game my heads so foggy making it hard to even write about games)

If you want to follow me like a stalker though subscribe to my twitter feed :-) the more the better!

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