Wednesday, 25 March 2009


I'm an avid fan of the GDC Keynotes so expect any put online to be embedded here :-D

Oh and yes I'm not dead...

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Sat in bettys

So I'm sat in bettys cafe in town drinking a cold fanta and watching the world go by. The sun is shining and the spell checker on my phone as you can no doubt tell isn't working very well today. So sat here in total relaxation getting odd looks from an old couple I thought "hey, why don't I update my blog" Which in theory is an awesome idea over looking one floor...I have nothing to talk about.

My money isn't looking too pretty right now with pay day a week away so can't go buying extravigant stuff to write about and how I had sushi for the first time in years yesterday (and hated it) didn't seem like enough to keep a topic going. So instead I've decided to just ramble on like this and make you read in hope of some form of content which'll never come :-D I'm a bad man. ☺

Right, time to finish my can and go for a stroll in the sun. May update soon...but probubly won't till I'm settled into my imaginary new house.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Living Up To The Name…


As the blog name says, my head is broken. No this isn’t some moany little thing about how I have issues no one could understand, this isn’t Live Journal.

Nah, my heads just kinda foggy this weekend. The worry about finding a house as well as bits, bobs, and thingy-ma-jigs in my life are kinda bouncing around in that wide open space I call a brain and making it hard to focus even with a bit of Sigur Ros in the background. Because of this I will not promise an update this weekend because I’m sure you’ll only be let down. What I will do though is keep an eye out for a few images, videos, and other bits I can quickly stick on here to keep the place from gathering too much dust :-)

Hope this holds you guys over till my life’s settled back into place and I’m more focused (right now I can’t even game my heads so foggy making it hard to even write about games)

If you want to follow me like a stalker though subscribe to my twitter feed :-) the more the better!

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

About Chuffing Time!


Wehay an update from me! One that’s not from a phone or done over twitter!

So, where have I been? I’d like to say all over the place busy busy busy and truly doing something, I could actually say that but you know…I’d be lying.

So, what’s been going on? Well recently I discovered a few things, for starters an iPhone can be very VERY distracting (seriously, I’ve wasted god knows how much money on new apps for the sexy little devil. Bored? why not drop me an e-mail on my phone? Things like that keep me going in work). Secondly I’ve been kinda…I’m not sure, zapped of motivation? In truth I fear Newport and city life is effecting me, but I’ll talk about that more in a bit. Thirdly I recently found out in about 20 days I could be homeless, this has sparked a house hunt, but I wont lie and say that’s taken up all my time, it clearly couldn’t…I’d have a new place by now if the search was every waking moment between work. No, but in truth the whole things kinda knocked my mind out of line, I’m thinking more about how I’ll move my stuff, or what colour curtains I want in my new place, or who I’ll call if I find a spider now I’ll have no house mates, so in basic I’ve become homosexual. No Mam, not really.

Anyway, I genuinely hope this will change soon, I’ve got high hopes the next place I view will be good cause it can’t be any worse than the shit hole I viewed last. I’m trying to perk myself up some more too, talking to my (soon to be ex) house mate earlier about the youth of today I realised that at only 21 I’ve lost all my childish innocents, my immaturity, and almost my entire ability to have mindless silly fun without fear of how it will effect me down the line. For most people this would be a good thing, but fuck, I’m 21! Those things are for people in their late twenties at least. I can still get ID’d for a scratch card, I’m too young to be like this. So I’m trying to come up with ways to force myself to change a bit. Fingers crossed this’ll help my motivation and way of thought and I’ll be blogging a lot again soon :-)

Oh soon I will drop off the face of the earth beyond my Twitter and Facebook. Why? Internet here takes 10 days to be connected to a house, so when I move I have 10 days no internet…it…will..kill…me.

Anyway, I know this was a shoddy update with nothing interesting and more me going on about my life which I hardly care about so fuck knows why you ever would…I mean I probably wouldn’t care much for your life ether, no offence, but it’s probably boring like mine…we need to have more fun.

Coming soon...

Gonna try updating tonight from my laptop, wish me luck but don't hold your breath :-P

Tuesday, 10 March 2009


Right so my brother gave me gip cause of the lack of updates so I thought I'd get an iPhone app so I can update anywhere :-D

The app uses a small keyboard though making this a total potch to write so don't expect indepth iPhone updates (but they'll be longer then their twitter counterparts).

So, what's been going on in my world? Let's see...

1. I have 22 days to move out before rent becomes too expencive to cover plus I'm sick of living in a shit hole when my job dosent pay bad. Fingers crossed I'll have a new place lines up by next week :-D

2. I now have a sexy iPhone meaning my twitter isn't dead and no longer will the blog be!

3. My days as a pirate are over as virgin sent me a scary "stop being naughty!" letter (although re accounts in my house mates name). In fairness I'm not sure what I did wrong but I'll prosume the music companies are trigger happy due to the pirate bay court case.

4. I'm currently doodling ideas for a new comic but that's all I'm saying :-P

That's it really. Oh if you was confused by the previous post, it's a qr it :-P

Tata <3

Sunday, 1 March 2009