There’s an old saying “Fool Me Once Shame On Me, Fool Me Twice Shame On You” but who’s the shame on when you get fooled a third time? I dunno but I’m gonna lay the blame fully on Lion Head Studio, the bastards!
I am a long time fan of Fable, but each time I get burnt, I got burnt by Fable and The Lost Chapters, I foolishly thought things would change with Fable 2 and after 3 broken copies I finally got to play the game and was let down horridly with many of the promises from Peter being untrue (Peter being the games creator, I shant refer to him by his last name cause for the life of me I can never remember it nor spell it). Anyway, feeling let down by Fable 2 when I heard Knothole Island was to unlock a whole new island and story and mini-quests I was really excited and bought it on the first day of release…big mistake. Not only was the new island unimaginative and the new story about 2 hours long, but the release of new items made characters stupidly over powered. I once again felt let down by a company I’m fast losing my love for.
So, what did I do when I heard about See The Future? I should have said to myself “Tim, now be serious, you’ve been hurt before, don’t go crawling back like some cheap whore” but what did I do? I whent crawling back like the cheapest whore you can find and then some. So, what happened? Well I found out LHS are a bunch of lieing bastards!
There were a few things promised in this expansion:
1. More Gameplay
This didn’t happen and due to less annoying puzzles than Knothole it actually lasted less time!
2. A BOSS!
The Necromancer was touted as a hard boss who would make up for the lack of a real boss all the way though Fable 2 and Knothole. This was sadly not the case, admittedly if I’d been the power I was when I finished Fable 2 I’d have struggled, but the fact is almost everyone has gone though Knothole and picked up the over powered items meaning just like me most people no doubt walked though the “boss battle” with little effort.
3. A Look At The Future Of Fable And Possibly Fable 3
This did and didn’t happen. I don’t wanna give this away because some of you even after reading this will still want to play the expansion and I can’t blame you, I ignored bad reviews too but the look into the future was a horrid let down, it lasted almost no time and told us fuck all and felt hollow and chucked in as an after thought. I was hoping for maybe a genuine piece of plot developing information or something to truly look forward too.
4. More time talking to…erm…that blind lady at the tower?
This did happen, I had a nice conversation with what's her face but it didn’t give me any more insight into her motives for taking the tower which peed me off a lot!
5. Get To See A Restored Oakvale!
Yes this happens, you get to see Oakvale trapped inside a snow globe but the way it was talked about I thought it would somehow be restored in the world of Albian and I’d get to explore it properly and use the shops and buy a house there and so on (maybe even the house from Fable 1) but alas nay, you just run around it killing monsters to restore the colour (ergh, gay) then your done and leave…WTF?!
All in all this was as if not more disappointing than Knothole because at least in Knothole although it wasn’t good it lived up to what they said it just didn’t do it very well, this one feels like one big lie. But you know what? If they release another expansion I’ll buy it…I’m a fool but I’m in love :-(